We are currently living through one of the transforming moments in the history of Christianity worldwide. The past five centuries or so told us the story of Christianity, bound up with that of Europe and non-European derived civilizations overseas, above all in N.America. But over the past century, the center of gravity in the Christian world has shifted southwards and today the largest Christian communities on the planet are to be found in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Thus a new face of Christianity has emerged. This presentation attempts to ascertain Africa as a new face of Christianity.

Disability and Christianity

Disabled people are found in all most all areas of our life. One may find them in shops, stations, galleries, and other common normal platforms. Often they are not given so attention but our looks or talking about them are presumably scornful. Some other people even act and look as if they are regretful about the person’s present condition. Somehow, it’s a forgotten part in every human mind to discover the life of other individuals which they consider menial than themselves. It is necessary to delve into this part of society and understand more than merely common presumptions which will be of no benefit for advancement of a society. This paper within a limited scope of space and time attempts to explore the theme of person with disability and theological understanding.


Humans and environment has an intrinsic connection from the very beginning. The Hebrew scripture beautifully portrays this connection by appropriately attaching the theological aspect to it. This paper in brief discusses about Old Testament and Environment.